Command Laboratory - Northern Command

Command Laboratory - Northern Command" This was the best Armed Forces laboratory, which the newly independent Pakistan inherited from British India in 1947. Lt Col Sarup Narayan was the commanding officer of this laboratory at the time of independence. After independence Pakistan Army Medical Corps was established. Command Laboratory Northern Command, India was raised to the status of Central Military Pathological laboratory (CMPL) to serve as the central diagnostic and reference laboratory for the medical units of all the three services. Production of reagents and bio-products on a limited scale, was also initiated. On 02 Oct 1947, Col (later Maj Gen) M.Akram was appointed as Commanding Officer of CMPL.


Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi (AFIP)

CMPL was renamed "Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi."


Central Reference Laboratory

A new purpose built building for AFIP was completed. With the shifting of the capital from Karachi to Rawalpindi in 1958, AFIP had assumed the role of a Central Reference Laboratory not only for Armed Forces, but also for the general population belonging to civil sector of this region, including many medical institutes in and around Rawalpindi.


Tumour Registry

Armed Forces Tumour Registry was started, being the pioneer project of organized malignant neoplasms study in Pakistan. Since then valuable data about the problems of malignancy have been collected and published from time to time. First edition of the AFIP monograph was published in 1990.


Department of Virology and Department of Experimental Pathology

By 1962 Department of Virology was fully established. It was designated as "National Center for Virological Diseases" in 1964. During this period proper animal house was also constructed and Department of Experimental Pathology was established.


Installation of Electron Microscope

Many automated equipment's were put to use for the first time including the installation of first ever Electron Microscope in all over Pakistan.


Nuclear Medical Center (NMC)

Nuclear Medical Center (NMC) was made functional and use of radioisotopes for all organ imaging and uptake studies were started.


Construction of AFIP New Block

A completely new block was designed and constructed for patients' reception, sampling and delivery of reports.


Advance Diagnostic & Research Centre (ADRC)

"Advance Diagnostic & Research Centre (ADRC)" was established to carry out research in the medical and related fields in addition to advanced diagnostic facilities including DNA testing. Planned in 1983 and later on approved in early 1984, the whole project was completed in a phased program in 1988. Inter-departmental reorganization was carried out and dedicated Departments for Immunology (which included a section for tissue typing ) and Virology were established.


Department of Molecular Biology

Proper Department of Molecular Biology was established with introduction of molecular diagnostic techniques in most of departments.


Lab Information System (LIS)

Working of Lab Information System (LIS) was devised in collaboration with all the depts. Detailed computerized reporting and archival system was introduced for the first time and was revised regularly.


Foundation stone for Forensic Medical Sciences Laboratory (FMSL)

On 18 Nov 2009, foundation stone for Forensic Medical Sciences Laboratory (FMSL) was laid down by Lt Gen Muhammad Rehan Burney, Surg Gen DGMS(IS). Aim of this project was to provide centralized facility for consistent, timely & quality forensic lab investigations in military setting and to create a technological strongpoint for military investigating agencies in an effort to fight crime.


AFIP Conference Room

Keeping in view the immense professional and administrative commitments of AFIP, a state of the art conference room fully equipped with latest audio & video conferencing technology was established in 2010. In addition to the weekly forums and tutorials, research workshops, conferences and symposia are held regularly in this conference room.


Satellite Reception

On 19 Mar 2010, to cater for the ever increasing workload and facilitation of the dependent clientele, a Satellite Reception was established at 112 Tamiz Ud Din Road, Rawalpindi. This facility included reception areas for both civilian and entitled patients, provided round the clock sample collection and delivery of lab reports.


Department of Forensic Medical Science Laboratory (FMSL)

In 2012 new Department of Forensic Medical Science Laboratory (FMSL) was fully established to provide centralized facility for consistent, timely and quality forensic laboratory investigations including toxicology and DNA in military setting. Its capabilities include autopsy/histopathological examination, tests of forensic toxicology and urine drug testing and DNA identification.


Establishment of Research Ethics & Academics Department (READ)

AFIP has a long history of carrying out research and development in various disciplines of Pathology. In Aug 2017 READ Department was formally relocated in second floor of ADRC building. Its various sections include research & development, continuing professional development, publications, Ethical Review Committee and Pathologists' data section.


Inter-departmental reorganization

In Jul 2017 inter-departmental reorganization was again carried out keeping in view the ever expansive nature of Pathology services and increasing workload. New building now houses Main Reception, Department of Haematology, Department of Chemical Pathology & Endocrinology and Department of Virology.

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