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Chemical Pathology
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Department of Microbiology is well known for its efficient and reliable microbiological services to individual patients and the hospitals. This department deals with all kinds of routine and specialized microbiological testing of clinical specimens with supreme professionalism, dedication and commitment.

Latest bacterial identification biochemical panels identify the isolates and complete set of respective drug sensitivity is performed. Culture and processing of most valuable sample of blood is carried out on fully automated blood cultures systems, that provide rapid diagnosis and isolation rate fully comparable to any advanced diagnostic center across the globe. Latest automated bacterial and fungal identification and sensitivity-testing systems (Vitek® and MicroScan®) are proud possessions of the department, as the backbone of our quality diagnostic services.

Pakistan is endemic for tuberculosis and so are the diligent efforts of this department to provide early and accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis. Latent tuberculosis is diagnosed by conventional Mantoux test as well as latest QunatiFeron- TB Gold® test. Active tuberculosis is diagnosed on state of the art automated MGIT® 960 system and WHO recommended GeneXpert® mycobacterial genetic identification and drug susceptibility testing.

Diagnosis of fungal infections, food and water for bacteriological testing, disinfectant efficiency testing and environmental screening for microbial air count are some of the distinctive features of our Department of Microbiology.

Distinctive Competence

Well acquainted with the latest guidelines of infection control practices, the untiring efforts of the Department have led to timely identification and control of serious infections in our hospitals. Faculty of this Department is fully committed to spread awareness of antibiotic stewardship, infection control practices, biosafety and biosecurity at all tiers. Research and effective training of doctors and laboratory technologists by this department is also a symbol of pride for Armed Forces in general and AFIP in particular. We have held number of workshops, symposia, and awareness lectures in our institute and other hospitals. Our departmental input is paying a pivotal role in patient care at high dependency units, organ transplant units, reconstructive surgical wards, pediatrics units and other areas of significance in the hospitals.


  • Routine Microbiology
  • Bacterial Serology
  • Molecular Microbiology
  • Mycology
  • Parasitology

  • Mycobacteriology
  • Food & Water Testing
  • Surveillance
  • Clinical Path

Latest Publications

1.     Wajid Hussain, Saira Bashir, Irfan Ali Mirza, Anam Imtiaz, Umar Khurshid. Frequency and Antifungal Susceptibility Pattern of Candida Species causing candidemia in Bone Marrow Transplant unit. Pharm & Biosci J. 2021:9(1)45-49 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20510/ukjpb/9/i1/1611401197

3.     Saira Salim, Wajid Hussain, Gohar zaman, Umar Khurshid, Luqman Satti. Comparison evaluation between Gene Xpert MTB/RIF AND multiplex PCR for rapid diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Pak Med Assoc 2021; 71(2):636-39 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.838

5.     Muhammad Shoaib, Ashfaq Hussain, Luqman Satti, Wajid Hussain, Gohar Zaman, Faisal hanif. Evaluation of rapid Polymyxin Nordmann Poirel test for detection of polymyxin resistance in clinical isolates of enterobacteriaciae. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10096-020-03942-4

2.     Mariam Sarwar, Syed Adeel Hussain Gardezi, Gohar Zaman, Aamer Ikram, Wajid Hussain, Muhammad Tahir Khadim. Diagnostic accuracy of in-house biochemical testing for identification of enterococcus species isolated from various clinical specimens, against VITEK-2 System. Pak Armed Forces Med J 2021; 71(1):155-61. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20510/ukjpb/9/i1/1611401197

4.     Irfan Ali Mirza, Humaira Zafar, Wajid Hussain, Syed Raza Jaffar. Infection prevention and control – key to success in containing COVID-19. Pak Armed Forces Med J 2020;70 COVID-19 (2): S617-21

6.     Irfan Ali Mirza, Humaira Zafar, Wajid Hussain. Necessity of Reviewing and Establishing the National Guidelines Regarding Antimicrobial Therapy for Bacterial Isolates. UK Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences. 2020; 8(2): 35-38. Impact factor; 5.1 DOI: 10.20510/ukjpb/8/i2/1587455456

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