
Histopathology Department of AFIP Rawalpindi is one of the oldest histopathology centers in the country. This department deals with cases of morbid anatomy, cytological specimens and autopsy specimens for histopathology with almost workload of more than 30,000 biopsy specimens, about 8,000 FNAC/Cytology specimens and 150 autopsy specimens annually.
Histopathology Department is recognized for post-graduate training purposes including FCPS and PhD of the highest quality. A large number of leading histopathologists working in different Armed Forces and civil hospital laboratories have been trained in this department.
Department is actively engaged in research work with the emerging trends in histopathology and based on these research projects and publications of the original research articles in different national and international recognized journals have been done. Around 30 original articles have been published over the past five years.
It is an ISO 9001-2008 certified and ISO-15189 accredited department of AFIP. Referred cases from all over the Armed Forces hospitals labs and review cases for second opinion are received and dealt in the department. Biopsy specimens for civilian patients are offered at optimal and affordable rates with quality and timely reporting. Special stains and an extended panel of more than 200 Immuno-Histo Chemistry (IHC) markers are offered here for reporting with precision.
Histopathology department is continuously taking part in UK-NEQAS for external quality assessment. Over the last one year, it's Methanamine Silver stains have been declared the best in this external quality assessment programme which is being participated by 53 members.
1. Tariq H, Iqbal A, Hafeez Ud Din, Jaffar SR, SW Babar, Gul A. Expression of CD56, CK19 and HBME-1 in follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma and benign mimickers. Pak J Pathol. 2021; 32(1): 1-4. 3. Asif M, Malik S, Khalid A, Anwar M, Hafeez Ud Din, Khadim MT. Salivary gland tumors - A seven years study at armed forces institute of pathology Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Pak J Pathol. 2020;31(3): 64-68. 5. Diagnostic utility of SATB2 in metastatic colorectal carcinoma. Sammeen Salim, Muhammad Asif, Rabia Ahmed, Muhammad Tahir Khadim, Hafeez Ud Din, Ghazala Sadaf. Pak Armed Forces Med J 2021; 71 (Suppl-1): S32-36. | 2. Tariq H, Gul A, Khadim T, Ud-Din H, Tipu HN, Asif M, Ahmed R. Next Generation Sequencing-Based Germline Panel Testing for Breast and Ovarian Cancers in Pakistan. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 Mar 1;22(3):719-724. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.3.719. PMID: 33773534. 4. Spectrum of malignant tumours in adolescent and young adults: Analysis of 1873 cases. Shahid Jamal, Muhammad Tahir Khadim, Hafeez Ud Din, Farhan Akhtar, Ahmed Ahson Khan, Bushra Parveen, Muhammad Asif. Pak Armed Forces Med J2020; 70 (1): 27-31. 6. Childhood Cancers: Analysis of 1279 cases at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Shahid Jamal, Muhammad Tahir Khadim, Hafeez Ud Din, Muhammad Asif, Rabia Ahmed, Farhat Rashid. Pak Med Assoc. 2020 Jun;70(6):1009-1012. doi: 10.5455/JPMA.26579. |