Forensic Medical Sciences Laboratory (FMSL) was established at AFIP in 2012. This laboratory comprises two sections namely: Forensic Toxicology and Forensic DNA.
FMSL was established to provide a centralized facility for consistent, timely and quality forensic laboratory investigations including toxicology and DNA in military setting. Toxicology section is equipped with the latest state of the art technology for the initial screening and subsequent confirmation of multiple toxicology parameters including drugs of abuse, alcohol, trace metals, volatiles and pesticides. Wide range of samples being currently analyzed in this department include blood, urine, stomach wash and postmortem fluid toxicology. Additionally, the department is equipped with technology for chemical analysis of water samples.
A subsection of toxicology department is reserved for checking of various medication levels in blood termed as Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM). Plasma levels of various medications including Tacrolimus, Cyclosporin, Valproic acid, Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Methotrexate, Digoxin, and Vancomycin are done on advanced Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay(CMIA) based techniques. These drug monitorings are essential for patients of liver/ kidney and bone marrow transplant and in oncology patients on certain chemotherapies.
Another subsection of this department is reserved for specialized Paediatric Metabolic tests. These tests are carried out for diagnosis of various inherited metabolic disorders. Plasma amino acid analysis is performed on a dedicated analyzer based on ion exchange chromatography and urine organic acids on Gas-chromatography Mass Spectrometry.
Forensic DNA section is equipped with specimen handling workstations, Thermal cyclers for DNA amplifications, and Genetic Analyzers. DNA extraction and purification, based on source materials, is carried out by employing internationally recommended protocols and kits.
1. Younas A, Nawaz MA, Hafeez A, Ijaz A, Aamir M, Malik SS et al. Diagnostic accuracy of cannabinoid testing by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in human hair. JPMA-2020. |
| 2. Saad M, Shams DF, Khan W, Ijaz A, Qasim M, Hafeez A, et al. Occurrence of selected pesticides and PCPs in surface water receiving untreated discharge in Pakistan. J Environ Anal Toxicol. 2017; 7: 500. doi: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000500 |